Trade more for less
Be empowered to trade CFDs on FX, Stocks, Commodities, Indices & Options. Get advanced tools, personalised support, uncompromising security

Trade and invest in 8,000+ instruments today
80 CFDs on currency pairs
CFDs on metals, energies and agriculture commodities
3000+ Share CFDs, as well as the ability to invest
US Treasuries and Germany Bund CFDs
About us
Trading platform
Accessible Trading Platforms and Personalized Client Services
We provide access to convenient trading platforms that are suitable for users with different levels of knowledge and experience. The client service includes the advanced training possible for both students and pensioners, after which you can earn money accompanied by a personal manager and analyst.
With Lynxmarket, you can count on efficient trading, as evidenced by our growing numbers.

Track all markets in LYNXMARKET
As an online investment broker, we connect all your investment needs. At Lynxmarket, we are committed to combine your trading experience with your satisfaction as the main objective. With us you can experience the latest trading technologies. Opening an account with us, you benefit from our superior trading conditions. Experience next generation trading with Lynxmarket, trade with a higher financial altitude
Our advantages
Traders’ funds are highly secured in segregated bank accounts, ensuring maximum customer protection.
Quick access to the best pricing opportunities and counterparties with the best market liquidity.
Flexible methods: Visa, MasterCard, bank transfer. Secure transactions, fast withdrawals without additional fees
Instant access to your stores via our trading platform from anywhere and at any time
Build your own trading system portfolio and trade effectively
Offering financial services in over 80 countries around the world